Although less known than the Saint Francis Walk, the Saint Benedict Walk is meeting a huge success, so to register an exponential increase in presences.
The 300 km path crosses the green heart of Italy following the footsteps of Saint Benedict from Norcia, founder of the Benedictine order. Starting from Norcia, the birthplace of the Saint, pilgrims can admire the naturalistic beauties of Umbria and Lazio, up to the border with Campania, in Montecassino, where he spent the last part of his life and wrote the Rule. The intermediate stops touch Cascia, where Saint Rita once lived, Roccaporena, Monteleone di Spoleto and Leonessa. From here, crossing the Monti Reatini, you can reach Poggio Bustone, where the Saint Benedict Walk crosses the Saint Francis one.
At the discovery of little-known places and villages, you will cross beech forests, walk along old transhumance routes, admire meadows and pasturelands in the Central Apennines. You will be accompanied by the beauty of an untouched nature and the panoramic views of the Monti Sibillini and Reatini, not to mention the spectacular scenery offered by the Shrine of Poggio Bustone, overlooking the Holy Valley, crossed by two stages of the path.
In particular, this one is the most mountainous portion of the whole walk, a path entirely developed in the forest, on altitudes between 900 and 1,500 meters which requires to follow carefully the description given. However, these are two extraordinary stops from a naturalistic point of view, which develop almost entirely inside a beech forest where you can hear the sound of leaves rustling for hours.
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