The territory of Rieti and its province, especially in spring and summer, becomes the favorite destination of all those who love lakes. Turano, Salto, Lungo, Ripasottile, Ventina, Paterno, Rascino and Duchessa Lakes are loved by tourists and natives for the beauty of their landscapes and the surrounding untouched nature, but also for all the cultural, artistic and above all food and wine events able to entertain people coming from all over the world.
The undisputed king of these areas is the lake fish, and there are many species of fish like pike, whitefish, eel, bream, cyprinidae, perch, carp and many other inhabitants of the province’s lake basins crowd the kitchens of the restaurants of the area, to promote the meats which, if well cooked, are excellent and delicate. Lake fish has many nutritional elements, as well as being higly digestible. It is rich in Omega 3, vitamins and mineral salts and, thanks to polyunsaturated fatty acids, promotes the vitality of the cells of the nervous system, reducing the risk of senile dementia and Alzheimer. It has a delicate and slightly sapid taste due to its habitat and a lower cost than sea fish.
Lake fish is a raw material that is not easy to cook, in some ways not even very popular. This means it is important to pay attention when cooking it, so as not to dry the meat too much. Lake fish requires a care in cooking which, although it is essential for cooking all the fish, in reality must be even deeper with freshwater fish.