NPC Rieti
Basketball has always been the symbol of sport for the city, a reason for great pride and joy for entire generations. The NPC is the Rieti basketball team that knows how to make every fan’s heart beat.
After dark years in which the hope of “succeeding in return to the basketball that matters” seemed to be impossible, today the team has come back to give prestige to the city. A winning strategy that bears the name of the President Giuseppe Cattani, who celebrated 20 years of presidency last year. Despite the difficulties and the lower categories, he has always had a strong vision, to fill the Palasojourner again with all the fans present in the city. Result obtained during the 2019 season, where the historic stadium saw more than 3,000 people for the play-off against Forlì, won by the NPC who took the pass to play for the quarter-final match with Treviso. The same Forlì that represents perhaps the main junction between the dreams of the President and their realization, since it was in Forlì stadium that the NPC obtained the historical promotion in “Serie A2”.
NPC is synonymous with programming, ambition and “madness”, as they like to define it, and all this is bringing Rieti to the center of collaborations with foreign countries, to take part to events of international calibre but above all to be able to have a look to the future, in social, cultural and economic environments, using this wonderful Sport as a vehicle.